Episode 1

It Begins With Accepting: Embrace You inner Magic.

Published on: 30th October, 2024

Welcome to the first episode of Accepting—with Aline, your host, acceptance coach, and mentor to highly sensitive people and empaths. 

Stepping into the realm of self-acceptance can be both daunting and liberating, a theme that resonates deeply throughout the first episode of Accepting.

From the outset, Aline establishes the foundational premise that to truly embrace our authentic selves, we must first accept every aspect of who we are, including our perceived flaws and vulnerabilities. She speaks directly to empaths and sensitive individuals, acknowledging the challenges they face in a world that often demands conformity. Aline´s approach is one of compassion and understanding, inviting listeners to explore the narrative they have constructed about themselves and challenge the societal expectations that have shaped their self-image.

By fostering a dialogue around self-love and acceptance, she encourages individuals to break free from the confines of self-doubt and embrace their uniqueness.

Aline’s discussion delves into the importance of recognizing our emotional landscapes, addressing how early life experiences may have led many to suppress their true selves in order to fit in. She highlights the detrimental effects of people-pleasing behaviours, which often stem from a desire to ensure the emotional well-being of those around us.

Aline’s insights prompt listeners to reflect on their own histories, emphasising that true acceptance begins with understanding and honouring our feelings, rather than dismissing or hiding them. By shifting the narrative around what we consider to be negative traits—like a quick temper or heightened sensitivity—listeners can begin to see these characteristics as valuable aspects of their identity that contribute to their overall journey.

As the episode progresses, Aline shifts her focus toward the necessity of creating healthy boundaries. She emphasizes that self-acceptance is not just about internal work but also about how we interact with the world around us.

The promise of future episodes to explore this topic further is an exciting prospect for listeners eager to build upon the foundation laid in this episode. Aline´s heartfelt call to action encourages individuals to take the first steps towards acknowledging their worth and embracing their gifts.

By fostering an environment of self-acceptance, Aline believes that individuals can elevate their vibrations and, in turn, attract positive changes in their lives.

This episode is not just a discussion; it is an invitation to embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery and empowerment.

To contact Aline and find out more - click HERE


Welcome to Accepting.

Speaker B:

Where I guide you to accept all aspects of your beautiful self, embrace your truth and live your life that way.


Hello, gorgeous.


And a warm, warm welcome to the very first episode of Accepting.


I'm Eileen, your host.


I'm the acceptance coach.


I am a channel, I'm a coach and I'm a mentor.


And I love to see highly sensitive people and empaths in all walks of life flourish.


So in this series, we're going to be deep diving into what accepting means.


And the first episode is all about.


It begins with accepting.


So in this episode we're going to cover how we can start self acceptance.


We're going to cover how we can begin to accept who we are, how we are, where we are, and allow others to accept all aspects of ourselves.


It starts with us first, though, Accepting.


So firstly, self acceptance is all about loving every single aspect of ourselves.


So it's not all Pollyanna, we're here for an experience.


We're here for a human experience.


It's not all skipping through the sunflower fields, although that'd be marvellous, and unicorns and rainbows, all that is included.


This is about accepting every single aspect of ourselves and an aspect that we may have thought, oh, well, that's a negative aspect.


It's changing the narrative of how we see ourselves.


So instead of pushing all we are down to come up as this perfect good boy or good girl, we are accepting every single aspect of ourselves first.


And it's so important that we do this because before we can make any kind of healthy changes in our environment or we begin our inner work, we have to accept who we truly are, shadows and all.


And in next episodes, I'm going to be really deep diving into how we can really, really delve into that and really dive into inner work.


So self acceptance is fundamental.


And as we accept ourselves, who we truly are, not how other people think we are, that is when we start living in our truth, we start living with authenticity.


We start making changes and making decisions from a very grounded and centred point because we know who we are.


We rock.


So it's so important.


I may have said this once or twice, I will say it again.


It is so important that we accept all about ourselves.


So, for example, you may be used to people going, oh, isn't she lovely?


Isn't he lovely?


He's always helping.


It was just wonderful.


Okay, great.


What do you think about yourself and when you're running around helping everybody else, do you ever have any time for yourself?


Okay, so that's my first question.


To you.


Now, the next part of this is as empaths, as intuitive empaths, as sensitives, because we feel so much, we're here to serve.


You know, we chose this experience so we can be of service.


And to be of service, we need to really, really check in and look after ourselves first.


Because if we're being of service when our cup is really, really, really, really low, because we're exhausted, because we've helped everybody else to the nth degree around us, we are not going to be being of service in the best way possible.


The best way to be of service is, is allowing ourselves to be all we are and allowing ourselves to have time to be all we are.


So with self acceptance, it's really important to take that time to get to know yourself.


And this means creating healthy boundaries, which I'm going to go into in the next episode, actually.


So as we accept ourselves and accept every single aspect of ourselves and we create those healthy boundaries, that is when we show up on our power to help others, which is why we are here.


And it's very likely, my gorgeous, that perhaps in childhood or at school, the conditions of society have made you feel that your gifts are your hindrances.


And that is why I am here, is to help you accept how gorgeous those gifts are.


Whatever those gifts are that you've been pushing down, we're going to be bringing those up for you to really embrace them.




Now also with accepting ourselves.


So, for example, I have a temper.


Some people are very shocked at this and they're very shocked when it goes as well.


I have a temper now.


I used to not embrace this temper.


I used to try and push it down.


I used to try and go off somewhere else and be in a rage and punch pillows or whatever.


Now I use my temper for good.


I'm a massive animal applicator.


And I channel that temper for good causes.


I channel that temper so it lights a fire in me so I can be of service.


So that is an example of taking something that you see as negative or a shadow aspect and changing that narrative.


Because my temper also means that it's very likely I have psychic abilities, which I do have.


And if you have a temper, if there's anything in your life that people have said, oh, well, you know, she's got a quick temper.


He gets a bit moody.


Yeah, he doesn't like being with other people.


These are all aspects of who you truly are.


So if you need your time away from people, honour that.


I know I do, always.


And if you have a Temper, honour, that.


I'm not saying go raging through the streets.


What I'm saying is really, really feel into, why do you have that temper?


Why is that coming up in you?


What are you so passionate about that you have pushed down and down and down?


It's trying to burst to the surface.


So that's just a little insight to self acceptance.


The next part of acceptance is accepting how we are.


So in terms of accepting who we are is also how we are when we're in our formative years.


And if you had help when you were growing up with this, that is wonderful.


I am so happy for you.


I'm talking about those of us who were in environments where people didn't necessarily understand our gifts and thought we were oversensitive or thought, oh, she's crying again.


And as we go through adulthood, that can go with us and we can feel, oh, well, I can't be sensitive.


I have to try and fit in.


I have to be what other people want me to be.


And so that's how I can survive.


And we can be very much in the three Fs, which is another episode.


We can be very much in survival mode.


And when we're in survival mode, we're in our sympathetic nervous system, not in our flowing parasympathetic system.


And so we're constantly stressed.


We've got shoulders up around the ears, shortness of breath, and we're in anxiety or we're in feeling constantly defensive.


Because when we were younger, as we were growing into our gifts, these beautiful gifts that we chose to bring with us, they weren't accepted by those around us because they weren't understood.


So we were quick to realize, wrongly or rightly, there is no wrong or right, there just is, that for us to fit in, we had to change our whole essence and pretend to be somebody else entirely so we could be accepted.


This is something I'm very passionate about.


So when we are, as I said, when we're in our formative years and we've made that decision to try and fit in and we're not being who we were truly born to be and we're in a state of trying to keep up with the Joneses, or we're in a state of adapting constantly, that switches on our limbic brain and that puts us into fight, flight, freeze mode of survival.


So it's very, very likely that as a child, not that you would have realized it because this felt normal, that you were in a constant state of stress without realizing it and carried this through into your adulthood.


And carried these patterns through in teens, in relationships, the people pleasing aspect.


Because when we're younger and we realize subconsciously or consciously that actually we're feeling everything of what's going on around us from everybody, and that for us to feel okay, we don't necessarily need to voice this, we just feel this.


For us to feel okay, everybody around us needs to feel okay.


And this is where we can start.


People pleasing from the nth degree.


Because if somebody's feeling depressed or angry or upset and just walks past us because we don't have the capacity to understand what is ours or understand what is somebody else's, we took that on as our own without understanding that just because a man walked past us in the street as we were holding mummy or daddy's hand and we suddenly went, or we suddenly started crying for absolutely no reason, that wasn't our stuff.


For we had a tantrum, that wasn't our stuff.


And it is so interesting as we start accepting ourselves and we're not reliving the past, we're reviewing the past and we have these kind of like eureka moments that, oh, that makes so much sense now because we were trying to adapt to who other people wanted us to be.


Not understanding why we're feeling so much and trying to navigate everybody else's energies around us whilst also navigating our family's energy and trying to fit in is exhausting.


So I really invite you, my gorgeous, to start accepting all aspects of yourself.


So when we feel into truly, truly, truly who we are, that is when we can start accepting ourselves.


And I'm not saying it's easy, I'm just saying it's really, really, really vital that you now start accepting every aspect of yourself.


If you truly wish to live your most authentic life and be in your gorgeous power and embrace your gorgeous gifts and be all you were born to be, you have to start with yourself, my gorgeous.




And we're going to be diving into more and more and more of this now, also with self acceptance, what starts to happen, and this is why I'm saying it's not easy.


What starts to happen is as we begin to accept ourselves, our vibrations start to raise.


And as we begin to accept ourselves, this may have already happened to you, then things naturally start changing around us because we're changing our perception of ourselves inside.


We're not changing who we are, we're changing our narrative, we're changing our perception of who we are.


And we're embracing ourselves and we're loving ourselves.


Our right vibrations start to rise.


And anything in our environment that doesn't match that vibration is going to start going.


If we don't allow whatever doesn't serve us to go, the universe will pop in because our vibrations are raising and the universe is listening to all of the work that we're doing on ourselves.


Oh well, he or she or they are doing this so well.


That doesn't work for them.


Let's get rid of that.


So I would really invite you to, if this hasn't happened already, as you're really gently going into accepting yourself, accept that things around you may be changing.


Quick example, I was plonked on my backside eight years ago because I didn't listen.


I had so many messages of what was going on.


I dipped my toe in the spiritual ball and I was at a shamanic workshop that I organized for my teachers that night.


We were in a beautiful circle.


My intention, and intentions are really, really, really powerful was to live my most authentic life.


And that night I fell on my backside and that was my blessing in disguise because I wasn't living my most authentic life.


And for me to live my most authentic life, I had to really go inside and accept every aspect of myself.


So my Gorgeous, thank you so much for watching.


I really hope this episode was useful for you.


If you have any insights or any questions, please do get in touch with me.


Please kindly share if you feel this is relevant for anybody else.


Subscribe if you're on YouTube and follow if you're listening along and the next episode.


We're going to be diving into creating healthy boundaries as you're accepting yourself.


That's vital as well.


So thank you so much for joining me.


So much love.


Here's to your self acceptance and your self empowerment.

Speaker B:

Thank you so much for joining me for this episode of Accepting.

Speaker B:

Please do stay tuned for future episodes and also subscribe wherever you get your podcast.


If there's anything at all that you'd.

Speaker B:

Like me to cover in future episodes, please get in touch and let me know.


You can also follow me on Instagram.

Speaker B:

At the Acceptance Coach and on TikTok SolutionUnion99.


And if you'd like to have any.

Speaker B:

Coaching at all or you would like to discuss this, do book an expansion call for now.

Speaker B:

I'm your host Aline and to you, your self acceptance.

Speaker B:

Gorgeous with so much love.

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About the Podcast

Explore self-acceptance and embrace your full potential with Accepting, a podcast dedicated to empaths and sensitive souls seeking personal growth and true essence alignment. Join us for transformative insights.
Unlock Your True Essence with Accepting - The Self-Discovery Podcast for Empaths and Sensitive Souls. Making the most of the most important relationship you have in your life; the one with yourself.

Dive into the world of self-acceptance and personal growth with "Accepting," the go-to podcast for highly intuitive empaths and sensitive individuals ready to embrace their entire being – both their light and shadow. Hosted by Aline, The Acceptance Coach, this inspirational podcast is your guide to rediscovering your authentic self and aligning with your life's true purpose.

Each episode of "Accepting" offers practical tips and energetic strategies designed to empower you to reconnect with your core truth and navigate life with ease. From groundbreaking self-acceptance techniques to transformative insights, Aline provides the tools you need to cultivate a deep sense of self-love and embrace a life of flow and fulfilment.

Whether you are embarking on your journey to self-acceptance or seeking to deepen your understanding, "Accepting" is your sanctuary for growth and enlightenment.

Join us as we uncover the power of complete self-acceptance, and learn how to live with boundless love and grace. Tune in to "Accepting" and start your transformational journey today!

About your host

Profile picture for Aline Davis

Aline Davis

I'm Aline your host.
8 years ago, I was plonked, quite literally; on my backside at a shamanic workshop I was organising for my teachers.

One night; I asked to live my most authentic life in a beautiful ceremony and that is exactly what I was given.

Later that night; I fell on mountain steps outside, slippery from the rain.

From the injury, a chronic illness diagnosis and a complete life overhaul; I didn´t recognise myself anymore.

Slowly and with a lot of resistance and trial and error; I began to accept that I had been pretending to be someone I was not my whole life and started to remember who I truly am.

This is why I now offer the insights and support I wish I had to guide me through.

I don't want anyone to feel as lost as I did after a physical or emotional trauma.

This is not about changing who we are; it is about remembering and accepting all gorgeous aspects of ourselves. Shadows and all.

With guiding, mentoring, coaching and channeling; I love to see sensitives souls thrive and share their gifts with the world.

It is time to stop hiding and people pleasing and stand in our fabulous power and get on with why we are really here.